Linizolid 600mg

FormulationClaim per tabFunction
Linizolid600 mgActive Pharmaceutical Ingradient
Lactose35 mgDiluent
Starch66.0 mgDiluent
Empress U10 mgStabilizer and dissolution enhancer
Starch25 mgBinder
SLS8 mgSolubliser
SSG10 mgDisintigerant
Aerosil 2002 mgGlident
Talc10 mgGlident
Empress U5 mgStabilizer and dissolution enhancer
Mg stearate10 mgGlident
Cross Povidone16 mgDisintigarent
Empress 803 mgSolublisr

Physical properties of tablets

Avg. Weight-800 mg
Punch size-16x8 elongated tabs

Note :

  1. This is the tentative formulation and the information is based on laboratory work with small scale equipment and does not indicate the product performance.
  2. Full scale testing and end product performance are the responsibility of the user.
  3. We suggest that you may be increase or decrease the quantity of polymer and types of Excipients according to your final formulation/requirements.