Ferrous Ascorbate 100mg

Empress FA

Technically Empress FA is a Blend of antioxidant with MCCP base, It has good effect on the tablets formulation where we have issues with its oxidation which results in swelling of Blister pockets after some time,

FormulationClaim per tabFunction
Ferrous ascorbate (20% elemental Iron)500 mgActive Pharmaceutical Ingradient
Mccp 10150 mgFiller
Aerosil5.0 mgSwelling Index Improver
PVP K-305.0 mgBinder
Water20-30ml for 1kgVehicle
Folic Acid(100% overage)3 mgAPI
MCCP 112125.0 mgLubricant
Mg. Stearate7.0 mgLubricant
Talc7.0 mgLubricant
Aerosil3 mgGlident
Empress FA10 mgAntioxident
SSG15 mgDisintigerent
Cross Povidone20 mgSuper Disintigerent

Physical properties of tablets

Avg. Weight-750 mg


  • Part I
    • Mixing:
      1. Pass accurately weighed Ferrous Ascorbate, MCCP 101 and Aerosil with 40# sieve
      2. Mix them in a suitable blender for 15 minutes.
    • Binding and sizing:
      1. Take worm water & slowly add PVP K-30 in it and prepare paste & bind above mixture properly.( the binding to be done by sprinkling binder solution and to give it very soft kneading to make a semidry mass, soft kneading is the key factor in the binding)
      2. Pass the mass through # 10 sieve or 8mm Perforated screen.
      3. Dry the granules till LOD remains below 2 %.
      4. Again pass through 16# mesh.
    • Lubrication:
      1. Sift MCCP 112 and Folic acid from 40# with Geometrical mixing and mix it thoroughly to ensure uniform mixing of API in filler
      2. Sift Talc, Empress FA Magnesium Stearate, SSG and Cross Povidone from #60 sieve and Aerosil from #40 mesh
      3. Mix above mixture with sized granules of step 6 in suitable blender.
      4. 9. Compress the tablet having hardness 7-8 kg/cm2.

Note :

  1. This is the tentative formulation and the information is based on laboratory work with small scale equipment and does not indicate the product performance.
  2. Full scale testing and end product performance are the responsibility of the user.
  3. We suggest that you may be increase or decrease the quantity of polymer and types of Excipients according to your final formulation/requirements.